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Welcome to
Gina La Fornarina

Pasta with Wine

Gina La Fornarina

Paola Pedrignan remembers her favorite food as a child - Pizza. She went in culinary trip to Naples and Rome with her father Gino to explore the novel of making pizza dough. When the scent of this very special dish wafted through the house and her expectation and impatience increased immeasurably. She was sitting at the kitchen table, watched her mother and father prepare the dishes. Every bite was a revelation, the plate afterwards licked sparkling clean, she was already looking forward to the next feast day.

She founded Gina with the desire to share her passion for the culinary traditions of Italy passed down from generation to generation. She combined to Gina her father name Gino on his honor as a great memories during those culinary trips.

Her mission is to pay exquisite attention to authentic flavors and exceptional Italian cuisine, promoting its simplicity above all.

What makes the difference between good food and great food? She has no doubt that the answer to this question is the passion of the person preparing the food. Her mother when preparing those delicious dishes always said: “you must have it in you, you don’t have to cook fancy dishes rather just good food from fresh ingredients.”

Fresh Homemade Pasta Delivery

Gina Delivery

Gina La Fornarina Delivery girl on scooter delivering Italian food
Group enjoying Pizza

Private Event Enquiry


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Logo Gina La Fornarina Italian Restaurant

Gina La Fornarina



26 E 91st St, New York,

NY 10128, United States
Phone: (212) 828-6800

Opening Hours

1 pm - 9 pm

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